Seas around 4th Nuclear Power Plant

Scope of 4th Nuclear Power Plant (Kungliao Area)

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dot4.gif (381 bytes)台電核能四廠施工及營運需用海域範圍圖,是在紙上談兵和事實相違背,因為台電不是在做游泳池,海域的潮汐是流動,影響所即將是整個三貂灣甚及宜蘭南方澳。
dot4.gif (381 bytes)The scope of 4th Nuclear Power Plant planned by Taipower Company is not precise. because the plant is not a swimming pool and the tide is running; as a result ,Santiago Bay and Nanfanao Fishing Port ,I-Lan would be affected.

dot4.gif (381 bytes)台電在其核四建廠區域標示圖有故意隱瞞比鄰的人文、地理、環境之犯行。本圖24處重要標點由本聯盟整理輸入,以供全民明悉核四建廠設址地點之不當,並呼籲最高決策者即刻停止核四之興建,並將通過預算繳庫,減低國家赤字預算比重,儲存國力挽救台灣經濟危機,以合全民福只和國家生態資源永續政策為要件。
dot4.gif (381 bytes)The map prepared by Taipower Plant has intentionally concealed humane ,geographical and environmental facts. 24 important points have been clearly indicated by us. Its purpose serves to show the improper selection of the site for 4th Nuclear Power Plant. To lower the national deficit budget ,we hereby ask the highest decision-maker to stop the construction of 4th Nuclear Power Plant in order to save the economic crisis and protect the ecological resources.

dot4.gif (381 bytes)核四廠海域工程簡介及防止對海域水質影響之對策


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