Improper coastal projects planning in Taiwan.

"From the Homei Fishing Port at Northeast Coast ,
we find that the Government is deficient in wisdom with
regard to the management of coast."

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dot4.gif (381 bytes)政府當初規畫東北角和美漁港時,因未做好環境影響評估和缺乏經營海岸的智慧,以至於和美漁港建造完成後,經過一次颱風的侵襲就積滿了沙,變成廢港。連帶損及南邊比鄰的金沙灣海水浴場,將其原本美麗的沙灘和沙丘,變成如上圖照的石頭灘。國家政策所為,人民未蒙其利反受其害。由此可見政府推動「環境影響評估」之粗糙,也顯示受委環評的學者專家其超然性之缺乏,因此,核四廠進水口碼頭之興建也難逃如同和美漁港的命運。為此祈求,政府主管各部會鈞長在核四廠設置地點未重新徹底做好陸、海域環評和國家生態資源永續政策評估前,停止核四興建計畫,以免台灣海岸珍貴的資源,橫遭惡質的政策文化所犧牲。註:(東北角漲落潮汐為北南)
dot4.gif (381 bytes)When planning Homei Fishing Port at Northeast Coast ,the Government failed to do the precise environmental evaluation and was deficient in wisdom in regard to the management of coast ,so Homei Fishing Port silted up and became a deserted port after the attack of one typhoon. The Golden Sand Bay Beach at the south of the port was affected ,becoming a rocky beach. The people suffered the disaster owing to wrong policy. Evidently ,the so-called "Evaluation of Environmental Impact" made by the Government was careless. Unprejudicedness is actually inexistent for the environmental experts employed by the Government. The construction of inlet wharf of 4th Nuclear Power Plant might have the destiny as Homei Fishing Port. As a result ,we hereby ask the Government to suspend the plan for construction of 4th Nuclear Power Plant before the relevant environmental and ecological assessments come out ,so that the coastal resources may not be damaged due to wrong policy.

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