Satellite Telemetering for Northeast Taiwan Land

台灣東北角附近區域海面溫度,Landsat TM6,
Sea-surface Temperature near Northeast Coast (Landsat TM6)

Yenliao105.JPG (61601 bytes)
                                                                     Resources:Space Telemetering Center ,National Central University

dot4.gif (381 bytes)上帝的手印「寶貝三貂灣」,不但擁有三千多公尺的黃金沙灘,而且是全台灣最「豐沛完滿」的維生生態系和「種源基因庫」,更是東南亞唯一尚未被溫化的海域,其兩處海樹林和三處海底花園更是「稀世之寶」,像這樣的寶貝,國家應負起保全的責任,不應誤信台電不實的環評及錯誤政策,一再帶頭蹂躪、損毀、根絕後代子孫賴以永續生存的環境和生態資源,學界專家更不應為其不當的政策背書,今日所為是要對歷史負責的。註:(三貂灣漲、落潮序為北南)
dot4.gif (381 bytes)In addition to Golden Beach for 3,000 meters long ,the God`s fingerprint "Santiago Bay" also has the most kaleidoscopic ecology in Taiwan ,being the only sea that has not been warmed in Southeast Asia. Two sea forests and three sea gardens are the "Unique Treasure" in the world. The Government shall take the responsibility to protect it. Any destruction of environment and ecological resources due to untrue evaluation by Taipower company and wrong policy shall not be allowed. Meanwhile ,the experts shall not endorse for the wrong policy ,because what you do today shall be responsible to the history.

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