Satellite Telemetering for Southeast Asia Seas

Average Sea-surface Temperature in Southeast Asia in August ,1998(degree C)

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                                         Resources:Space Telemetering Center ,National Central University

dot4.gif (381 bytes)查大地衛星紅光遙測顯示,北台灣三貂灣因有沖繩海巷之助,始免遭溫化之災,國家本應竭盡所能加強保護,哪堪為其錯誤的核能政策,將台灣唯一僅存適合物種孵育繁衍的海灣為興建核四廠而加以毀棄,國家施政的指針倘若不為後代子孫的生態環境和資源永續做考量,那興建核四廠也就更顯毫無意義,其政策所為,不但涉及「斷後」之嫌,且多製造一處被「武嚇」的誘因,現北台灣人民永遠生活在不安定的因子之中。
dot4.gif (381 bytes)With the satellite infrared telemetering ,we found that because of Okinawa Trench ,Santiago Bay at North Taiwan can be exempt from warming. The Government should do every endeavor to preserve this bay. However ,it is regretful that the Government tries ruining the bay that is suitable  for propagation of different species due to the construction of 4th Nuclear Power Plant. If the Government failed to take into account the ecological environment and resources for the issue before determining a policy ,the building of 4th Nuclear Power Plant should be meaningless. Such a "without offspring" and "threat" policy has put North Taiwan people into an unrestful situation.

dot4.gif (381 bytes)次查衛星紅光遙測,則更清楚得知核三廠的排放核穢高溫污水產生「核化氧」,對東、西緯度的海域生態傷害是「極嚴重」,以致「蘭嶼」海域珊瑚礁80%莫名的死亡,而怪罪於溫室效應,因為菲律賓海巷潮至南七星礁切分為東西潮序,東至台東海溝,西至澎湖虎井外海,謂稱北回歸線。因此東部首當其害就是「蘭嶼」。註:(潮序運行南北會合效應產生俗稱的八卦水或稱海底颱風眼。)
dot4.gif (381 bytes)With the satellite infrared telemetering , we found that high-temperature wastewater discharged by 3rd Nuclear Power Plant has generated "nuclear oxygen" ,which has seriously damaged the sea ecology around Taiwan ;as a result ,80% of coral reef near "Orchid Island" were dead owing to unknown causes. They alleged that the death of coral reef was resulted from the "Green-House-Effect". East Tide and West Tide are separated from Philippine Trench and Seven-star Reef. East Tide goes to Taitung Trench and West Tide to Tiger Well Waters ,Pescadores. Under the circumstances,  "Orchid Island" has become the first victim at the eastern coast.

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