Shells and Iron smelting Coke in 4th Nuclear Power Plant

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dot4.gif (381 bytes)核四出水口砲台腳考古出土之貝殼層與褐色土層色有別,可證此區域早期人類活動遺有文化層,台電公司本應依中央研究院劉益昌教授建議此區域須做大面積考古挖掘,但台電第二次的委託就該區之調查卻排除劉益昌教授參與,更無過問,雖完成評結之報告,但綜觀其報告內蘊雖非無可取,但難謂無政治成份,再多的列舉也就更顯難以自在了。
dot4.gif (381 bytes)Shell layer and brown soil layer are the evidences of cultural activities. Taipower Company should effect large-area digging as the suggestion of Prof. Y.C. Liu ,Academia Sinica. However ,Prof. Liu was excluded at the second investigation. Political factors were found in the investigation report ,so it is not convincible even through more detailed information was unveiled therein.

dot4.gif (381 bytes)在此重申,本聯盟堅定的反對台電在此區域施工損毀台灣先民歷史文化遺址,因為文化資產是屬於世代全民所共有的。
dot4.gif (381 bytes)This Alliance hereby declares that we make a firm opposition for the construction of nuclear power plant ,because the historical or cultural assets are commonly belonging to the public.

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