Porcelain in 4th Nuclear Power Plant

Yenliao124.JPG (58052 bytes)

dot4.gif (381 bytes)核四廠開關廠北側出土製陶之文化相,為此以顯此區為台灣先民遺有大型製、燒陶廠無疑。台電所委的學官做出不具文化價值之評估,顯然是在替台電量身定做,其評結顯然毫無公信效力可言,未免一再爭議損及國家形象,內政部應負起依法行政之責任,重新委託中立的學者與吾方加入再調查,避免台灣珍貴的文化資產橫遭台電毀棄。
dot4.gif (381 bytes)Porcelain was found at the north of 4th Nuclear Power Plant ,so there should be a large-scale porcelain plant here before. The investigation report made by the experts employed by Taipower Company is unacceptable. To avoid any dispute and influence to the national image ,the Ministry of the Interior shall invite other experts or scholars to conduct the further investigation ,so that the valuable culture assets may not be ruined by Taipower Company.

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