Yenliao Bay Beach

Yenliao115.JPG (32817 bytes)

dot4.gif (381 bytes)夏日時節,鹽寮灣細緻柔軟的金黃色沙灘,輝映著蔚藍的天,晶碧的海,和福隆秀麗的山水,弄潮戲水的人充滿活力與歡笑,也感受到生命力之延續與美麗的遠景。不知為何,國家政策硬要將此變更為核四廠進水口碼頭?人類當知,沒有生命力的生態也就沒有人類生存的環境。註:(本圖照特為世代子孫整理,印冊保留,以作因核四廠興建後,其生態環境和資源之變化的對比。)
dot4.gif (381 bytes)In the summer ,people are playing on the bland golden beach and enjoying under the blue sky and in the cool water. In combination with beautiful scenery in Fulung ,joy and energy are found everywhere ,and we can see the prolongation of life and beautiful future. We are very confused why this area will be changed as the inlet wharf of 4th Nuclear Power Plant? One should know if there is no living ecology ,there is no existing environment for the human being. Note:This picture is reserved for the issue ,being used for comparison of ecological environment and resources after construction of 4th Nuclear Power Plant.

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